The annual SIGCOMM Rising Star Award recognizes a young researcher who has made outstanding research contributions to the field of communication networks.
Each year, ACM SIGCOMM will present a "Rising Star" Award, recognizing a young researcher - an individual within 10 years of receiving their highest university degree - who has made outstanding research contributions to the field of communication networks during this early part of her or his career. Depth, impact, and novelty of the researcher's contributions will be key criteria upon which the Rising Star award committee will evaluate the nominees. Also of particular interest are strong research contributions made independently from the nominee's PhD advisor.
The award will be presented at the annual ACM CoNEXT conference, where the award-winner will deliver a keynote address. Conference registration, travel, and lodging for the awardee will be paid by ACM SIGCOMM.
Awardees will be selected by an Award Committee whose chair is appointed by the ACM SIGCOMM Awards Chair. The Chair may serve a term of up to 3 years.
Besides the chair, the ACM SIGCOMM Rising Star Award Committee will be composed of 4 other members, renewed yearly, reflecting the global nature of the networking field and the diverse research cultures that exist in different countries.
The shortlisting process and final awardee selection will be made through open discussions amongst the award committee members.
Following an open call for nominations, nominations should be made via the online submission form.
The nominator should solicit recommendations from colleagues in the field who are most familiar with the nominee's achievements.
Copies of published work should not be sent.
The nominator is responsible for ensuring that all nomination materials are submitted by the deadline.
Nominations that arrive after the deadline will be held over to the following year for consideration. Nominations that did not result in an award can be resubmitted or updated in subsequent years.
Self-nominations are not accepted.
Material to be included in the nomination:
Nominations must be submitted via the online submission form by July 15th.