October 2021 SIGCOMM Newsletter





Call for Participation :: ACM SIGCOMM HotNets'21 (November 10-12)


ACM SIGCOMM HotNets'21 registration is open now, featuring an exciting programme:



Student registration is free, $5 for ACM members and $15 for non-members.


Registration info: https://conferences.sigcomm.org/hotnets/2021/register.html 



Networking Channel :: Upcoming Panels


The Networking Channel has several exciting upcoming talks, including an overview of technologies behind Netflix (Nov 10), a panel on research challenges in quantum networking (Nov 24), and a discussion of the human and social aspects of computer networking (Dec 8). For more details and to register (for free), please visit:



To view previous events, including “Networking Education During and After the Pandemic” held on Oct-13, please visit:







Updates in SIGCOMM EC and CARE committees


The SIGCOMM Executive Committee (EC) has been updated:


Likewise, the Committee to Aid REporting on discrimination and haraSsment policy violations (CARES) has been renovated:


Check further info on SIGCOMM officers at:



And learn more about CARES at:





SIGCOMM is hiring! Looking for a motivated and Web-skilled student!


The Information Services area of SIGCOMM is working on a fresh roadmap for SIGCOMM IT. Our current top priorities include improving the current Web site (both from a content as well as an back-end infrastructure perspective) and enhancing our overall communication channels.


To this end, we are looking for one student (regularly enrolled in an education institution around the world) motivated in contributing to the SIGCOMM community and with adequate skills in Web technologies and platforms (e.g. HTML, Drupal). Estimated weekly time efforts (e.g., 8 to 16 hours/week) as well as the salary (i.e. from 15 to 25 USD/hour) will be negotiated with the candidate after the interview process of candidates.


Candidates should send their interest statements (motivation letter + CV) regarding the position (initially for 6 months) to christian@sigcomm.com until Nov-30, 2021.